by AdminVA | Jan 17, 2021 | Circles, Contact, New Releases, Young Horse, Young Horse Tips & Tricks
by AdminVA | Dec 9, 2020 | Dressage, Misc, New Releases, Tash Diary
by AdminVA | Dec 9, 2020 | Dressage, New Releases, Young Horse
by AdminVA | Dec 9, 2020 | Dressage, New Releases, The Basics, Young Horse
by AdminVA | Nov 23, 2020 | Interviews
This Facebook group has been created for you. So that you can share your goal setting and life mastery journey with like minded people. So that you can champion and support your peers, share ideas, thoughts, successes, failures, plans and goals achieved!!
If you have not already joined the group, you will need to go to the group (click here to go there now) and near the top of the Facebook page there will be a “JOIN GROUP” button – because this is a private group for members only, we will need to approve you into the group which can take up to 48 hours. If your Facebook name is different to the name you joined up to Success Mastery, please send an email to info@yourridingsuccess.com before you request to join the group, letting us know which Facebook account you will be requesting to join from!
Start goal mastery journey by choosing your path – what is your dream life, that when you are 100 and look back on and have lived an extraordinary life and achieved extraordinary things? Work backwards and plan each decade of your life with the decade planner, and learn how to create vision boards to help you on your journey!
Do you know how to add herbs and spices for flavour? Do you know how to make your own pizza, burgers, chips, chocolate cake with no sugar and still taste great? You will learn to love the kitchen again and make the time to learn the recipes which mean you can still have your cake and eat it too, but if you want to eat it every day – how to make it healthy!
Do you know what are macros? Calories? What about different diets? Keto, Paleo, HCLF, Low fat, OMAD, IT, Vegetarian, Vegan… Do you know how to read food labels and know what is good for you? Learn everything you need to know about what makes up food.
Coming soon – released February 2018
Coming soon – released January 2018
Coming soon – released December 2018
Coming soon – released November 2018
Coming soon – released October 2018
You finally get to lay out all your fears, doubts and worries about why you can’t have an extraordinary life. Move through these blocks so you are free to work and push forwards to your dream life and achieve your goals! Get results with tools on time management and plan your perfect day. Learn how to create habits for success that will sustain you to achieving your goals and make sure you have an environment that supports and ensures success around you. You will also learn how to keep yourself accountable to your goals and the importance of accountability in the attainment of your goals.
Go deeper and plan the next 10 years – We overestimate what we can achieve in a year, but underestimate what we can achieve in 10 years. Make sure the next 10 years count for you and get you to where you need to go! Break if down further and plan the next 12 months to make sure they are EPIC! Get complete clarity and vision over your 12 month goals. If the next 12 months were to be the most exciting, rich, fun, rewarding and significant 12 months of your life – what would happen? Now you know what you want. What is your plan to create it? What are your quarterly and monthly themes and signposts? How will you balance all your goals from all of your life areas? What does the next 12 months look like for you?
Trial Part 1 of Goal Mastery for 7 days – All about the wheel of life and how to live an extraordinary life. We all know balance is important. We all know your work/life balance is important. But do you know there are 7-10 life priorities that all need to be focussed on and kept in balance, in order live an extraordinary life? To live a life well lived and an extraordinary existence, it is important to consider all life areas. This week you will crystallise with clarity what ‘perfection’ or ideal you are looking for in your life in these areas and what balance looks like for you.
This is not a 12 month plan where you do it, get a result, then stop doing it and go back to what you were. This is an education system, where you are now empowered with the knowledge you need to maintain your health and weight for optimum energy and longevity. So how do you maintain your weight and what does ‘normal’ eating and exercise look like long term and why you will love it and stick to it forever!
Learn extra supplementation and when it is necessary, as well as must do stretches and mediation to keep our body supple and our mind clear and stress free for ultimate health and longevity.
Learn how to move your body optimally for health, strength and longevity and how to love exercise and stick at it long term and enjoy it!
It’s time to put all that learning into ACTION!!! This is where it gets super exciting!! Look out!! 🙂
Learn everything you need to know about the importance of fasting for health and longevity as well as a fat loss tool. How to do it safely and fasting routines you can follow to optimise autophagy and prevent disease formation.
How do we digest food and how do our bodies work with different macros and diets. Learn the importance of hormones that regulate fat storage – insulin, leptin and Ghrelin.
Why do we need popcorn at the movies, ice cream at the beach, pizza on the couch on Friday night? We all have anchors and rituals around food that need to be collapsed and new ones put in place that serve our health and energy needs.
What do you do when you are bored? Stressed? Happy? Sad? If the answer is eat, we have some work to do! These emotions are a gift of learning and enlightenment to help us become better human beings. We need to work through these emotions rather than ignore them and placate them with food. Learn how to do this and how to make yourself happy rather than eat.
Are you addicted to wine? Chocolate? Potato Chips? Cigarettes? Addiction is nothing more but a cocktail of hormones and chemicals in your brain telling you to act. By understanding these chemicals and understanding how to get your ‘hit’ in another way, you can beat any addiction for good easily and quickly!
Do you know what you want? Do you know what amazing health and energy feels like, looks like, sounds like? Do you know what the bad choices you are making now cost you in terms of health, longevity? What will you die of?
Are you ready to compete in competitions on your terms?
Imagine going to a competition calm, confident and in control.
As a member of a Your Riding Success program, I would like to offer you 33% off my Competition Mastery program! That’s $20 off per month!
CLICK HERE to learn all about Competition Mastery and join us on your pathway to competition success!
Course will be released when you are up to Month 10 of Life Mastery
Course will be released when you are up to Month 9 of Life Mastery
Course will be released when you are up to Month 12 of Life Mastery
Course will be released when you are up to Month 11 of Life Mastery
Course will be released when you are up to Month 8 of Life Mastery
Course will be released when you are up to Month 7 of Life Mastery
Course will be released when you are up to Month 6 of Life Mastery
Course will be released when you are up to Month 5 of Life Mastery
Course will be released when you are up to Month 4 of Life Mastery
Course will be released when you are up to Month 2 of Life Mastery
Course will be released when you are up to Month 3 of Life Mastery
This journal is for you. Created and designed to give you the utmost creativity, flexibility and productivity so you can create the successful life of your dreams.
You might use it as a riding journal and record every ride on a new page outlining your learnings. You might use it as a personal journal as you focus on your personal goals, and record and journal your daily progress.
You might use it as a success journal to give you the focus and determination you need for the next 12 months. Whichever way you use this journal, remember, it will be the right way for you!
Click on the link to work with one of our Your Riding Success trained Neuro Linguistic Programmers (NLP coaches) to accelerate your results in any area of your life!
We will match you with a suitable partner and send you both each other’s email addresses. Please contact us within 7 days if you can’t get in contact with your partner and if you would like to be issued with another partner.
Welcome Video Coming Soon!!
This Facebook group has been created for you. So that you can share your goal setting and life mastery journey with like minded people. So that you can champion and support your peers, share ideas, thoughts, successes, failures, plans and goals achieved!!
If you have not already joined the group, you will need to go to the group (click here to go there now) and near the top of the Facebook page there will be a “JOIN GROUP” button – because this is a private group for members only, we will need to approve you into the group which can take up to 48 hours. If your Facebook name is different to the name you joined up to Life Mastery, please send an email to info@yourridingsuccess.com before you request to join the group, letting us know which Facebook account you will be requesting to join from!
Coming Soon!!
This bonus 12 part course on success is what I have found to be the 21 commonalities of all successful people – not one of them is more important than the other. But merely all 21 will be needed at some point to get the success you want.
Course will be released in January 2018
Achieving goals and living an extraordinary life is also determined by who is
around you and the connections you have. Learn the secrets of how to make friends and connections and have real relationships you can count on to move you towards your goals.
Even if you are super confident, confidence is like ice-cream – you can always have more! Follow this 30 day plan to more confidence and feel unstoppable as you go about reaching your goals!
Once you have mastered your wealth to the point of no debt and you have savings – it is time to put your money to work and make it grow. Learn the investing ingredients of success that all investors use to make decisions on where to grow their wealth and abundance.
Sex is not often discussed. And I understand you might be excited or horrified that this is here. But this is a life mastery course and it would be remiss of me not to have it! Skip it if you want, but if you understand sex is a vital, fun, thrilling part of living an extraordinary life and having an extraordinary relationship this course is for you 🙂
Every human being on the planet needs relationships. We all want love. To love and be loved. Learn how to master this area of your life and how to create a deeper, richer, better relationship with your loved one.
If you work for someone or work for yourself, there are some fundamental principles that will ensure success for you year after year. This means promotions or more business success for you.
Every human being on the planet has 6 core needs (not wants) that must be met. We are usually not aware of this and can meet these needs unresourcefully instead of resourcefully. Learn how you can harness this power of meeting those needs to make it work for you and your goals.
A stable financial position is vital for feelings of security and achieving of goals. Learn the basic savings and money management principles which will ensure you eliminate debt, have savings and can work towards a wealthy future for your goals.
If we allow what happens to us to control our emotions we will always be held at whim to the external world. Learn how to master your emotions and choose which emotion will serve you to take action and get the job done to get results.
Low in energy, sick, tired, worn out, weak? If we don’t have abundant energy, we can never achieve our goals! Learn the basic principles of eating and exercising for vibrant, energised health and vitality, so we can take action and achieve our goals!
Take action and watch your results change!
Learn ‘why’ we do or don’t take action in our lives. And more importantly, ‘how’ to ensure we take action towards out goals every day from now on!